Why banks Need Cyber Security?

On this earth if you want to enjoy a happy and secure life than savings are the 1st best way. You have to make as much savings as you can so that you can use it in tough situation.
 82% people save their money in banks where they thought that their money is saved from everyone but they didn’t know all the data and all money in your bank will be hacked at any time and you can lose your whole savings within few minutes.

Cyberattacks increased day by day recently a news from economic times that in 2017 India losses approx Rs1000 crore due to cyberattack. In 1988 Robert Tappan Morris and the Moris worm creating the first computer worm transmitted through the internet a student at cornell university in the usa claimed that it is his progency was not made for the harm but to determine the vastness of cyberspace. More than 6000 computers lose $10-$100 million dollars.

Hackers attacked scientology in 2008 and hacked $ 250000. Hackers steal tens of million of card details in 2009.In India due to demonetisation act with the increase in digital payments chances of cyberattacks increased largely. Now  a days cyber attack has become the biggest threat to U.S Businesses in recent years this become clear in 2014 when J.P Morgan steal 83million.

On February 4,2016 Bangladesh banking industry sufferes a sudden shock when $101 million stolen Bangladesh bank account at the the Newyork federal Reserve the biggest cyber attack on the banking sector. Only 20 Banks have the capacity to recover from a major shutdown such as corruption of the database or storage or damage to the data center caused by fire.
Hacktivism involves breaking into a system for political or social reasons. Until relatively recently, this was seen as the domain of underground organizations such as Anonymous. The recent US election has put focus on the role that governments might play in furthering their aims through hacking activity.

Those who hack for intellectual stimulation are not necessarily criminals. They could be “white hat” hackers who help organisations to explore their vulnerabilities so that they can put defences in place.

Types of cyber-attackers
Disgruntled employees, who may launch attacks or threaten the safety of internal system. Financially motivated insiders who may misuse company assets. There are some organised attackers who include terrorists. Criminal gangs are well-organised and operate on a commercial basis – there is a supply chain, those that steal data are unlikely to be the same criminals who commit the identity theft and fraud. The dark web provides a market place for stolen credentials – with those that have stolen personal data selling it on to those who wish to commit fraud.

Think a situation
Just think a situation ,your mother was sick from the last one month but now your mother needs an immediate operation which costs about 5 lacs and you think that you can pay it from your savings which you saves from the last 10 years But immediately you received a text message that (your money has been debited by 5 lacs rupees and you will get shocked now what you will do one hand your mother needs money and on the other hand you lose your whole savings…………………………….
So bankers have to be understand that people spending their so much hard work for making some savings and someone life is depending on that savings. Saving means a place where your money is safe but if it was hacked only once in your bank their no one will trust in your bank and at last your bank will be shuttered.

Every bank has to be understand that they have to protect their data from hackers banks have to add a highly secured antivirus software even the king of hackers can’t hack your data because someone life is depending on your bank so please don’t play with their life ,use a high cybersecurity system. In every mobile phone and in every computer you have to install a cyber security system

One of the solutions that is often offered is that parents should be responsible for their children's actions on the internet, however, parents are not able to take this responsibility alone because it is difficult and challenging for them to always stay with their children whilst they are surfing the Internet. Thus, this challenge can be tackled by the close cooperation between parents and governments. In terms of the responsibility parents have over their children within their homes, parents  are required to be educated enough to recognize the risk of cybercrimes that their children may face while using the internet .  They could restrict their children's access by only allowing giving them access to pre-screen or pre-approved content on the internet .

If you want to secure your network from any Unauthorized attack .You can seek professional help from a cyber security and crypto currency expert company name Kratikal Academy 

If someone wants to learn cyber security course from the best site which is availiable only for limited time period ,This course is made by specialised cyber security Professionals from IIT's , MNNIT's and get a ministry of government approved certificate. There are only 109 seats are left out of 500  so regester now and test yourself are you able to qualify the 1st round after regestration. 


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