Cyber-attack website Webstresser took down

Cyber attack is a massive problem for the whole world, From the recent news, it was concluded that there is a website which helps hackers for cyber attacking around the world.
A website blamed for launching more than four million cyber-attacks around the world, including attacks on banks in the UK, the website has been taken down in a major international investigation.
The operation, which involved the UK's National Crime Agency, blocked - which allows criminals to buy attacks on businesses. The site was used by a British to attack high street banks last year, causing hundreds of thousands of pounds of damage. Six suspected members of the gang behind the site have been arrested, with computers seized in the UK.
What was the website doing?
This site is the dangerous site for any person but for attackers, this site is like a god, this site targeted more than 2milion sites in 2017. Researches say that this site offers their clients a cyber attack kit worth $14.99,  meaning that anyone who wanted to attack a web service could do so with little chance of being traced. Webstresser offered a form of cyber-attack known as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), in which a target website is overwhelmed by requests for access.
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In practice, this means that the target, be they an online bank or a school's, can seize up and crash unless the attack is blocked. Stresses are also used to settle scores between business rivals, to hold businesses to ransom. Identifying how the attack is being launched and where it is coming from requires huge amounts of effort, as specialist online investigators must hunt for the source of the crippling data. No computer system in the world is completely secure, so businesses and governments often keep their most sensitive data in so-called “air-gapped” machines. These computers are not connected to the internet or to any other local devices, making it almost impossible to steal data. No computer system in the world is completely secure, so businesses and governments often keep their most sensitive data in so-called “air-gapped” machines. These computers are not connected to the internet or to any other local devices, making it almost impossible to steal data.
How hackers steal data?
There are many ways in which hackers can steal your data and one of the famous is through an email in which they send you an attachment and if it was downloaded then it takes full control over your computer and it can steal your data. Ransomware is a recognised problem for companies of all shapes and sizes for large-scale, small-scale attack that decimated the UK’s NHS and many organisations around the world.
In 2017 hackers steal more than $200million from cyber attacks. No device is safe. Hackers can steal your data at any time.

From this, we conclude that not a single device is safe than what is the way to keep it safe and one of them is safe. There is only one way to keep it safe “just consult with the best cybersecurity expert Kratikal Acadmy.

There are several things that a hacker can do but if you want some technical details,Kratikal institute is the best where you can consult with the cybersecurity professionals studied from IIT’s ,MNNIT’s.


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