How Duckduckgo could be the next BOOM

DuckDuckgo is an internet search engine that emphasizes protective searches.This new duckduckgo feature is an internet based and is added to Mozilla as a search option to Firefox. duckduckgo was founded in 2008 by Gabriel weinberg an entrepreneur who previously launched the name database and new different social network but now duckduckgo going to be popular day by day.

Search engine alternative that also offers instant answers to help you find what you’re looking for without must be clicking for answers of the search
we know that all people are using Google who is the world's number one search engine but now duckduckgo is also going to be popular day by day only because of its protective searches.

Top features of duckduckgo

  • Duckduckgo displays relevant results called instant answers on the top of the search page this instant answers are collected from the third party API as for static data source like text files the instant answers are open source

  • Duckduckgo introduced voice search for uses of Google Chrome
  • Keyboard Shortcuts-DuckDuckGo offers many useful keyboard shortcuts, the best of which are K and J to browse results and Enter to open a link
  • Duckduckgo has a mobile app available for IOS and Android which courses websites to use https blocks web tracker and rate sides based on their privacy practices.
  • One of the BEST Feature is No ADS

Why duck duckduckgo is better than Google

  • Search engines are used to get information you need without having go to through different websites. We know that Google shows the results based on are visiting websites but in duckduckgo it doesn't happen.
  • Duckduckgo lets you see the social media profile of people without leaving the search engines so search for any people and you can see the full profile information on the same page without leaving the search engine.
  • For example - if you want to search someone details on Twitter and LinkedIn you don't need to open the site just type LinkedIn or Twitter followed by the person name you will see the whole information regarding that person.

  • You can shorten or Expand  links on duckduckgo search engine , for example if you want to shorten a link you just have to write shorten in front of the link and then enter you will see that all the Long link become shorter.
  • you can add instant answers to other search engines and there are some options available for developers there is also a loan calculator in the duckduckgo search engine calendar and many other features which can help you better than Google.

One thing remember if you think you are secure from cyberattack on duckduckgo app than you are wrong. You can still be hacked at any time or at any place .Hackers can steal your personal info like; Bank info and any other info. Their is only One way from where you can be cybersecure is just seek help from no.1 cybersecurity experts Kratikal Academy which helps companies to secure their mobiles from malwares.

Here is the link for regestration if you want to get appoinntment from No.1 cybersecurity professionals.


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