Is Windows 10 really Safe

Is windows 10 is really safe??
From  recent researches some researchers found that Windows 10 is more safe than Windows 7.
Windows 10 is twice as safe as  Windows 7 only because of there are some security softwares
installed in Windows 10 like windows defender McAfee etc, But these softwares are not so successful
in keeping away from hackers, Hackers can Hack your IP address from IP address they can Hack
your softwares. If you want to make yourself cybersecure than take help from the cybersecurity
experts they tell y you the correct and the BEST method.

Do you think why the security softwares are increased day by day in the laptops in your mobiles
what is the reason behind this ?
What Hackers trying to do?
Attackers are constantly trying new ways to hack your data like your bank info etc , so that they can
steal your money even they want to steal your totka savings. You hear that from the last year only in
india there are $300 million stolen by the hackers but still people didn't realise, that not a single device
is safe even their mobile phone are not safe and only way to keep safe your moblie is just consult with
the international CYBERSECURITY experts.
Of the hundreds of thousands of new websites created each day in 2017, 25 percent of URLS were
deemed malicious, suspicious, or moderately risky. High-risk URLs fell into two major categories:
malware sites (33 percent) and proxy avoidance and anonymizers (40 percent).

Experts are the only way to keep safe your device from any threat or from any type of malware.
Did  you hear about cryptocurrency ,cryptocurrency is now worldwide famous currency which people
used in just exchanges currency to another item but do you think that hackers can even hack this
cryptocurrency which is the most difficult thing in the world If hackers can hack cryptocurrency then
what is your mobile what is your laptop these are like a toys for them.

Cryptojacking Hacker have two primary ways to hack victim computer one is to load a code
on computer.The other method is to inject a script on a website or an ad that is delivered to multiple
websites. The link runs code that places the crypto mining script on the computer.the script than runs
in the background as the victim works. The most commonly used method is to infect websites and pop
-up ads with a JavaScript based crypto mining script .

I have seen that most of the viruses has come from Microsoft edge in my laptop the only the Microsoft
edge is responsible for various type of viruses even there are some viruses which totally damage my
Window from that day I realise that now there is nothing important my laptop if something is important
like my bank info something else which is really very important for my life it can be had or it can be
destroyed permanently then what will I do I can't do anything from that day i  installed a security
software after Consulting with my experts.They guide me properly and now my window is totally risk

If you want to seek help from cyber security expert here is the link i am providing  you so register
yourself so that your appointment will book and there are only five appointments in a weak so register
yourself as soon as possible.


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